Jane Leidig Achuo came to Germany in 1993 to further her education. Back then it was uncommon for African families to send their girls to school. Ms. Leidig Achuo´s case was exceptional because her father Gordon Tabi Achuo didn't discriminate among his children. He believed that women should be entitled to the same opportunities as men.
She studied business administration at the Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg and gained a Masters degree. After years of experience with Siemens and other companies, she launched her own initiative with the Goddy Tabi Achuo School Association after the death of her father Gordon Tabi Achuo, whose goal was to raise education levels in his region in Cameroon. Since then Ms. Leidig has been committed to helping the less privilege back home.

Jane Leidig Achuo
Founder and Director
Goddy Tabi School Association
find us:
Eschenstrasse 8
90441 Nuremberg
© 2018 by Goddy Tabi Achuo Schulverein e.V